For, Since y Ago Ejercicios

ingles ejercicios For Since y Ago

A continuación te dejamos actividades con For, Since y Ago para que pongas a prueba tus conocimientos.


practica inglés


1) Completa usando For – Since – Ago


a) I have been here ??????? this morning.

b) Last time I saw you, it was 8 eight years ???????.

c) Tom has been working in the restaurant ??????? two years.

d) They were married ??????? 25 years.

e) James has been my friend ??????? we were children.

f) I don’t know why she didn’t win, she practiced ??????? weeks.

g) Two months ??????? I applied for the job and still haven’t received any news about it. .

h) We are coming to this city on our vacations ??????? 2007.


¿Dudas? Explicación ⇗


2) Ordena las siguientes oraciones


a) been – English – I – for – have – years – studying – seven

I have been studying English for seven years.


b) talked – yesterday – He – to – since – hasn’t – me


c) she – for – 45 – Every – about – minutes – cycles - day


d) decorating – bought – are – this – since – We – it – we – house


e) job - He – ago – lost – months – his – three


f) two – I – been – hours – waiting – more – have – than – for


g) year – not – since – last- has – He – smoked


h) left – party – hours – the – We – ago – two


3) Contesta las siguientes preguntas usando For – Since – Ago


a) When did graduate from college? (a year)

I graduated a year ago.


b) How long have you been working here? (a couple of months)


c) When did you start designing clothes? (about 15 years)


d) How long can you wait? (not much longer)


e) How long has she had that hairstyle? (she was a teenager)


f) When did he start his business? (8 months)


g) How long are you staying? (a week)


h) When did you two meet? (three months)


4) Traduce al Inglés


a) Me gradué hace dos años, pero estoy desempleado desde entonces.

I graduated two years ago, but I am unemployed since then.


b) No sé por cuánto tiempo más debería esperar.


c) Desde que me contrataron en la empresa, no he podido descansar un fin de semana completo.


d) Has cambiado mucho desde la última vez que te vi.


e) El escritor vivió en esa cabaña por los últimos años de su vida.


f) Ellos han estado tomando lecciones de piano por más de cinco años.


g) El señor Johanssen ha estado trabajando aquí por mucho tiempo.


h) Lo vi por última vez hace veinte años.


Terminan aquí los ejercicios de for, since y ago. Muchas gracias por su visita.


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