Little X A Little X Few X A Few X A Bit: Ejercicios

ingles ejercicios Little A Little Few A Few A Bit

(A) little and (a) few son cuantificadores que hacen referencia a poca cantidad.

(A) few (unos pocos) se utiliza con sustantivos contables mientras (a) little (un poco) se utiliza con sustantivos incontables.

No confundas con Little (adj) porque también significa pequeño(a).

A continuación te dejamos ejercicios para que pongas a prueba tus conocimientos.


practica inglés


1) Selecciona la opción correcta


a) I have fewa littlea few minutes to chat.

b) Can you give me a littlea fewa bit money to pay the taxi?

c) She is littlea fewa bit nervous because of the interview.

d) I have spent a bita littlea few more dollars than I expected.

e) There is a littlea fewlittle milk in the fridge.

f) There are a fewfewa little bottles of milk left.

g) A littleLittleFew students passed the calculus test.

h) LittleA littleA few chocolate won’t make you fat.


2) Complete usando little, a little, few, a few, a bit en las siguientes oraciones


a) I wish I could have _______ cookies and _______ coffee right now.

I wish I could have a few cookies and a little coffee right now.


b) Very people are as generous as you.


c) I know things about Roman art.


d) Roxie is bit upset.


e) There is you can do to solve this problem.


f) My grandma always gives me money for my birthday.


g) That situation is becoming annoying.


h) There are only specialists in that area.


3) Traduce al inglés


a) Ellos se conocieron un poco antes de la graduación.

They met a little before graduation.


b) Pocas personas entienden la diferencia entre gobierno y Estado.


c) Desafortunadamente, tu reporte tiene unos pocos errores.


d) Queda poca comida en la despensa.


e) Hay algunas plantas que requieren poca agua para crecer.


f) La profesora estaba un poquito estresada.


g) Ellos tienen muy poco dinero para ese proyecto.


h) Todo lo que necesito ahora son unos momentos para mí misma.


4) Ordena las siguientes oraciones


a) be – a little – today – will – rain – There

There will be a little rain today.


b) bought – Miranda – mushrooms – a few


c) Paris – as – as – Few – beautiful – cities – are


d) tired - I - last - was – a bit – night


e) few – loyal - has – but – friends – She – very


f) need – luck – All – is – a little – I


g) has – little – for – time – family - He – his


h) been – worried - for - I – a bit - you – have


Terminan aquí los ejercicios con little, a little, few, a few y a bit. Muchas gracias por su visita.


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